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The power of music.

Thijs van Gils

Music is all around us. Not so long ago, a music store was part of almost every shopping street. You bought singles, CDs and also records (LPs) there. There were even cassette tapes before that. With the development of fast internet, this changed very quickly. Napster was one of the first programs where you could download music in MP3 format. The birth of MP3 players followed not long after. 

Spotify has revolutionized the music world. You can now listen to music wherever you are if you have a subscription with data or when you are connected to WiFi. You can create your own playlists. Spotify's algorithm is aimed at introducing you to even more music that matches your interests. This way you discover music and artists you may have never heard of.

More and more people have AirPods or similar earphones with noise canceling. This way you don't hear any ambient noise, only the music you want to hear. And if you want others to enjoy it, there are numerous speakers that you can control with your voice. And now it's even easier to make your own music, with artificial intelligence. 

Create something that pleases you. 

There are various providers that enable you to make music with artificial intelligence. Suno of Udio are 2 examples. It works very simply, you create an account and complete a prompt. A prompt is your assignment description to artificial intelligence. And within a few seconds music comes out. You can adjust this, you can indicate whether or not you want vocals, which instruments, etc. All kinds of styles of music generated by Ai are available on Suno. A free account is created in no time. If you want more options and more music, you have to pay. With AI it is becoming increasingly possible to create your own music that suits what you want to hear. Ai will become more and more present in the music industry. Spotify has a high cost structure due to the record companies that make a lot of money from the songs streamed on the platform. With Ai music this no longer applies. For Spotify this is a new market that is certainly commercially interesting. 

But what are you listening to? 

It is good to realize what you are letting your ear listen to. Music is an important element in people's lives. Music is often involved at funerals and when dealing with grief. People often become attracted to certain music from a certain artist. But do you sometimes hear what is being sung? Many things are said that many people are completely unaware of. And all those sayings stick in people's minds with a tune that sounds beautiful. The number 1 hit in the top 40 at the time of writing is called: Die with a smile. Translated: Die with a smile. And when you read the text, it reminds me strongly of the text from 1 Corinthians 15:32 and then the last sentence. Many of the lyrics used in music are about “love”. But then the love of the world. You hear about adultery and about a love that is more about lust than love as God intended. Jesus spoke those clear words and James wrote them:

Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man. Matthew 15:11 NKJV

And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. James 3:6 NKJV

What you are listening to matters. And if that is music that makes a person unclean, because of what is spoken, it is better not to listen to it. Distinction is necessary and especially for the next topic.

AI generated “Christian” music 

On Suno it is not only possible to make all kinds of rock, horror and pop music. It is also possible to make Christian music with Ai. Prosperity, wealth and laziness are increasingly entering the Christian world. It all has to come naturally and swiftly and match what we want to hear. And it is delivered very piously. We want to make the Bible more accessible with artificial intelligence. Making music that is fine for our ears with good lyrics that are Christian. There's nothing wrong with that, right? Well it certainly is wrong. The praise we offer, the worship we give to God and His Son, it is primarily not for us but for Them. 

But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:23-24 NKJV

Must worship Him. And in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Artificial intelligence has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit. It's from a completely different source. Worship in spirit and truth is what the Father seeks. And that costs us ourselves. It doesn't just happen. We receive the Holy Spirit and we may be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God gives us the words, He teaches us to pray and worship. Just as He reveals His Word to us. Artificial intelligence is from a different source and it is not from the Holy Spirit. There is one person that knows the power of music very well. 

Your pomp is brought down to Sheol, And the sound of your stringed instruments; The maggot is spread under you, And worms cover you. Isaiah 14:11 NKJV

The sound of your stringed instruments. This text is about the evil one who fell because of pride. He is skilled in music and he knows the power of music very well. Whether it's made by real artists or by Ai, the power is the same, the influence is the same. Israel sang to the LORD and this is what He thought:

Take away from Me the noise of your songs, For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments. Amos 5:23 NKJV

God couldn't hear it anymore. AI should change our lives by making it even easier. It makes us even lazier, also in the church of Christ. Of all the churches to receive a letter in Revelation, Laodicea is the last. And Jesus advises them to buy gold from Him. And that gold has been refined by fire. Jesus spits them out. God could no longer listen to Israel. And He cannot hear it if we do not worship Him in spirit and truth. Ai is not a source of inspiration for the worship of our God and his Son. That is the Holy Spirit. 

Worship Him, give thanks in everything, especially when you are in trouble, when you are not feeling well. Then it costs you something, namely yourself. Your soul will take its place and praise God (Psalm 43:5). That worship is what He seeks, through the Holy Spirit. That is real and pure. And it makes us grow more towards Him and get to know Him more and more. Revelation through worship. Music from the Holy Spirit. He is worth it because He gave everything for us, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Nothing artificial but authenticity from the Spirit of God. Look for that and look for His music. That pleases Him and He is worth it, He is worth everything. 



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