I have seen images and videos from gaza several times of how people who try to get some food are mercilessly punished. It's always the same. Their hands are tied. They are blindfolded and then shot in the legs at close range. Now there is another video where this happens to a young man. Children stand there watching. A child stops his bicycle to look. The man shouts and pleads but it is no use, he is shot in the legs. Then he groans in pain.
I'll spare you the images. When I see this I think of all the people in Europe and the US that support these things. Those who support hamas, who find it resistance. They shout genocidal slogans. How is it possible that people have gone so far as to support this? Highly educated people at our universities. They all support this.
That there would come a day when people wouldn't mind that children and entire families would be exterminated, all in the name of a resistance that isn't even resistance. It is satanic in its very essence. And there is a reason why we have become indifferent, and it is not just the lies of the lie called palestine. We have become accustomed to slaughter and we do that through abortion. In one of his sermons, Barry Stagner talks about the red horse from Revelation. It states that peace will be taken from the earth and that people will slaughter one another (Revelation 6:4). And we have become accustomed to killing, slaughtering the life in our bellies.
If we don't like it, if it doesn't suit us, then we abort it. We kill children, not fetuses. And when you look at what a baby looks like at 22 weeks, you know one thing: this is a baby, not a clump of cells. And in the Netherlands you are allowed to kill this child at 22 weeks.
Because he did not kill me from the womb, That my mother might have been my grave, And her womb always enlarged with me. Jeremiah 20:17 NKJV
Jeremiah was alive in the womb, and even before he was formed in the womb, God knew him (Jeremiah 1:5). Our God wants us to live, He wants us to choose life. And we have come to a point where we prefer death to life and we glorify death over life. The jihadists teach that life begins with death. But to overcome death, life is needed and that is Jesus because He is the Life. And death cannot be conquered by shedding innocent blood, it is all pure deception. And because we kill our children as a society, we are indifferent to the genocide that took place on October 7, 2023. And not only indifferent, it is even glorified. The way people will deal with the 2 witnesses is how the world is now, only then there is no longer any opposing voice, even if it becomes less and less.
People prefer darkness to light. It is increasingly common. And yet there is that call, choose life, choose the True Messiah. God still gives grace, so let us make good use of the time we have left. Take your relationship with the Lord Jesus seriously, He does the same for us. Seek His will for your life, not with fundamentalism using His Word. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.