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How the occult presents itself as aliens

Thijs van Gils

Science has become a religion in itself. If science says it is so, then that's the truth. But science is sometimes, perhaps many times wrong. Man has increasingly placed his trust in science rather than in His Creator. 

New witnesses about UFOs

The news about UFOs and extraterrestrial life is being shared more and more regularly. After David Grush now it’s Jake Barber. He tells in an interview how he picked up an alien, non-human object with his helicopter. Jake is a veteran of the United States Air Force. I see these types of messages more and more often. There is only a documentary I saw partially on YouTube that confirmed what I wrote before. Aliens and the occult go hand in hand. 

In the documentary: Close encounters of the fifth kind, extraterrestrial entities are discussed in detail. And the main message they want to convey is that the overall narrative is that these entities are a threat to national security in the United States. And this is also happening in our country. Steven Greer and Daniel Shean, want to break the claim of national security. Their message is that they want to contact these entities. And they look to various institutions to get that support in order to go against the American government. One of those authorities is the Vatican. 

The Vatican

Daniel Shean contacts the Vatican and the Jesuits to discuss the psychological and theological challenges on this subject and to develop positive programs. All this to indicate that UFO’s and its entities are not a national security threat. The fact that Shean is contacting the Vatican does not surprise me. In Revelation 13 we read about the beast from the sea and from the earth. And the beast from the earth has a few special characteristics. 

The beast from the earth has 2 horns like those of the Lamb, not a lamb, but the Lamb. And that Lamb is Jesus Christ. But it speaks like the dragon, like satan. And this beast performs great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven. So this beast looks like the Lamb, it resembles it. If you look at the Vatican there are similarities. The Pope is the vicar of Christ, but it speaks like the dragon. That does not necessarily mean blasphemous words, although that is certainly true. These are words that seem true, sometimes even contain a half-truth, but are still a complete lie. 

The Vatican has changed times, names and institutions. It has the spirit of the antichrist. So it could well be that the false prophet, the beast from the earth, is the Pope or someone else from the Vatican. And if it can do great signs in the sky, including in the form of so-called “aliens” that appear, then you can perfectly mislead people with it. 

People are looking for life outside this earth, extraterrestrial life. And if we succeed we can say that evolution exists and that life does not need to be created. So it is the perfect way to deceive people, to keep them from God forever and make them worship an image and give a sign of the false messiah. The fact that Shean consciously goes to the Vatican is confirmation for me that this could easily be the source of this beast. 

The occult in the form of aliens

David Greer says in this documentary that he has ways to contact these entities and also sees phenomena. He does this through meditation and that comes from the occult. You can read about this in detail in the book: Death of a Guru. The result of these meditation sessions is that he sees these entities appear and comes into contact with them. The devil pretends to be an angel of light. A perfect example of this can be seen in the book of Job. Satan was in the midst of the sons of God (Job 1:6, 2:1). It is God who addresses him and knows who he is. He cannot disguise himself from God. 

Aliens, extraterrestrial beings with supersonic spacecraft, are not other entities. They have a source from the occult, from the kingdom of satan. From images circulating on the internet, fighter pilots see physical objects on their radar that they cannot explain. But the people before the flood saw that too. People, woman, saw the sons of God and had intercourse with them. And what came out of it was nothing but wickedness (Genesis 6:5). The magicians in Egypt could turn their staff into serpents (Exodus 7:12). They could turn water into blood (Exodus 7:22), they could bring frogs to the land of Egypt (Exodus 8:7). The darkness can therefore manifest itself in the physical, which we can observe. Man is deceived into thinking that he is coming into contact with peaceful entities. But they can appear that way, they are not peaceful at all and they come straight from the realm of darkness. 

Many dictators, including Adolf Hitler, were involved in the occult. And their technology for the time was cutting edge. Wernher von Braun invented things at a rapid pace, including the V2 ballistic missile. Where did they get that wisdom from? Hitler seemed invincible at first. That will also be said about the antichrist. The devil offered Jesus all kingdoms if He would worship him. Jesus refused this, but many people do not. There are several people who testify that governments are in contact with entities that we call aliens in the hope of receiving wisdom from them in order to be ahead of the opponent in the development of new technology. After all, everything is technology in our society. That's like going to a necromancer or a fortune teller to have the future predicted. 

This earth will come into contact with entities it has never seen before. In Revelation 9 at the 5th trumpet you read about beings coming up from the abyss. They don't look like any animal we know today. Later in the same chapter we read about the four four angels who are released. And they come with a huge force. This force will be able to kill a third of the people still alive. So there are indeed entities physically coming onto this earth that you can call aliens, but they are beings that are used by God for His wrath. The evil one is not original and tries to imitate what God does. Just look at the magicians in Egypt. He can pose as an angel of light or as a being who supposedly wants to share wisdom. 

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18 NKJV

Everything is subjected to Him. Every power is defeated by the power of the Son of God. We do not need to do meditation sessions to gain wisdom from an occult source like the gentlemen mentioned earlier. We may pray in Spirit and Truth through the Holy Spirit. He gives us the wisdom that is from above. He searches the depths of God Himself. 

No power above or below us can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 8:35-39). He will conform our humble bodies to His own (Philippians 3:12). Then it is obtained by blessing and not by the dark rebellious hearts of His adversaries. So do not be alarmed when you see or hear about things in heaven. It belongs in the times we live in. Lift your heads up in the joyful expectation that our Savior will come soon. Work the works of God until He comes. Because He comes, because what He promises always happens. There is nothing predictive about it, it is just Truth. And that Truth truly sets us free. 



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